
Scenari di lavoro per un ecosistema informativo mediato dall’IA


This workshop will present preliminary results from a large-scale, formal study of the possible ways in which new functionality from AI and Large Language Models might fundamentally reshape the entire information ecosystem, and will invite audience members to consider the potential implications of these scenarios. The study and workshop look beyond near-term application of AI to existing journalism workflows and news products to a future in which the news environment may be dominated by automated newsgathering, democratised news production and generative news consumption experiences. Using the preliminary results of the scenario study as a starting point, the workshop will engage the audience in a frank discussion about how the news industry might prepare for an uncertain AI-mediated future.
Sponsored by Open Society Foundations.


14:00- 14:50



Event location

Palazzo Graziani, Corso Pietro Vannucci, Perugia, PG, Italia