Andras Petho

Andras Petho

Andras Petho is co-founder and executive director of Direkt36, an investigative journalism center in Hungary. Direkt36, which was launched in 2015, is one of the few Hungarian journalism organizations that are not controlled by pro-government forces and other political interest groups.
During his 20-year-long career, Andras was a senior editor for leading Hungarian news site Origo, worked for the BBC World Service in London, and was a reporter at the investigative unit of The Washington Post. He has contributed to several international reporting projects, including The Panama Papers and the Pegasus Project. He has written extensively about political corruption and has taught journalism courses at Hungarian universities. He was a World Press Institute fellow in 2008, a Humphrey fellow at the University of Maryland in 2012/13, and a Nieman fellow at Harvard University in 2019/20.

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