Lucas Graves

Lucas Graves

Lucas Graves is a Professor in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication (SJMC). His research focuses on new organizations and practices in the emerging news ecosystem, and more broadly on the challenges digital networks pose to established media and political institutions. His book Deciding What’s True: The Rise of Political Fact-Checking in American Journalism came out in 2016 from Columbia University Press.
Graves writes and speaks widely on topics relating to the news, politics, and new media, including political fact-checking, annotative journalism, net neutrality, and the open-source movement. His work has appeared in the New York Times, the Columbia Journalism Review and the Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard University, as well as numerous scholarly journals including Journal of Communication, International Journal of Communication, and Journalism: Theory, Practice, Criticism. He is a co-author of The Story So Far: What We Know About the Business of Digital Journalism, ...

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