Rajneesh Bhandari

Rajneesh Bhandari

Rajneesh Bhandari is the founder and editor-in-chief of the Nepal Investigative Multimedia Journalism Network (NIMJN) which produces investigative stories on social justice and accountability issues. NIMJN also trains journalists in advanced investigative multimedia reporting and works on the well-being of journalists in Nepal. NIMJN supported 400+ journalists in Nepal during COVID-19 and has been providing free psychological counseling to journalists.
Rajneesh started his journalism career at Nepal’s top Kantipur Television Network, working for seven years and producing important stories. His best-known investigative story was on lawmakers misusing diplomatic passports. He has also worked as a reporter, multimedia, and data editor for j4t.org focusing on investigative reporting on global issues. His multimedia work on different issues has appeared in The New York Times, National Geographic, NPR, AJ+, Bloomberg, BBC Reel, and other outlets.
He is a Fulbright Humphrey alumnus of th...

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