
Seminari di management e cultura per giornalisti e responsabili di redazione


How do we build better, more inclusive and happier news organisations? It can start with very concrete steps.
A group of news industry leaders with many years of experience in managing journalists, navigating change and building healthy cultures are offering consultations to help you work through your organisation’s issues and start devising an action plan.
Are you a senior leader trying to implement large organisational change? A middle manager feeling squeezed and burning out? An entrepreneur wanting to set up the right working culture from day one? Journalists hoping to change their newsroom from the bottom up? These 45-minute private sessions are free, confidential and open to all at any stage of their career. They can cover topics such as:
Improving organisational culture
Diversity, equity and inclusion
Change management
Building rewarding career paths
Mental health and burnout
Collaboration with non-editorial functions
Hiring & onboarding
Performance management
Managing across cultures and generations
Places are strictly limited and priority will be given to those who register in advance of the festival. If you include what you want to discuss in the registration form, we’ll do our best to match you with the most relevant expert.
Because we all deserve news organisations where we love to work.
Sign up here.


09:30- 13:00

