Alex Romer

Alex Romer

Architect, designer and carpenter, Alexander Römer initiated the international design-build network Constructlab in 2012 as a member of the former EXYZT collective (2005 – 2013). Constructlab is a laboratory for action research, constructive experimentation and interdisciplinary creation. Constructlab’s projects develop a practice of temporary and participative design and architecture. Projects link design and fabrication, initiate collaborations with local communities and highlight the know-how of each and everyone. He understands architecture and design as a tool of social intervention to create spaces for dynamic critical exchanges.

Together with Joanne Pouzenc, Peter Zuiderwijk he edited the recently published Constructlab book: “Convivial Ground, Stories from Collaborative Spatial Practices (Jovis, 2023)

He held visiting professorships at Art-school of Annecy, France, Burg Giebichenstein, HFG Karlsruhe, Germany or UQAM Montreal, Canada. In 2021/22 he was a visiting professor in space&design STRATEGIES at the UFG Linz, Austria and 2023 visiting professor at the College of Architecture University of Houston, Texas.

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