Jesselyn Radack

Jesselyn Radack

Jesselyn Radack heads the Whistleblower and Source Protection Program (WHISPeR) at ExposeFacts where she facilitates investigative journalism in the public interest by providing pro bono, direct legal representation to whistleblowers and media sources with a focus on human rights and civil liberties. With a focus on human rights and national security issues of secrecy, surveillance, torture and drones, Radack has been at the forefront of challenging the government’s unprecedented war on whistleblowers, which has become a war on journalists, hacktivists and those who reveal information that the public has right to know but the government wants kept secret.
Among her clients are national security and intelligence community employees who have been investigated, charged, or prosecuted under the Espionage Act for allegedly mishandling classified information, including Daniel Hale, Edward Snowden, Thomas Drake, and John Kiriakou. She also represents clients bringing whistleblower retalia...

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