Luciana Peker

Luciana Peker

Luciana Peker is a journalist and writer specialized in gender. She is the author of the books Love is or is it made? by Academia Antártica; Putita Golosa, for a feminism of enjoyment (Editorial Galerna); Sexteame, love and sex in the era of desiring women (Editorial Planeta); The Revolution of the daughters (Editorial Planeta) translated into French as La Révolution des girles (Editions Des Femmes). She also wrote The women's revolution was not just a pill and Railway women, life experiences on the rails.
She is currently a columnist for the Infobae news portal. She contributes to La Diaria (Uruguay) where she created the Las Bravas section. She wrote for 20 years in the Las/12 supplement of Página 12. She was also a columnist for The New York Times, Washington Post, The Guardian, El País,, Pikara, Nueva Sociedad, La Marea, Yo Donna, Anfibia, Twenty-three and Criticism. Peker was host of the program Las Mafiosas on Nacional Rock and a columnist on Pasaron cosas, on Rad...

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