Patricia Campos Mello

Patricia Campos Mello

Patrícia Campos Mello is a reporter-at-large and columnist at Folha de São Paulo newspaper. For over 25 years, she has been covering international relations, economics and human rights, and has reported from over 50 countries. She was awarded the Columbia University Maria Moors Cabot award in 2020, the International Press Freedom Award of the Committee to Protect Journalists in 2019, the Vladimir Herzog Special Award for Democracy and Justice in 2019, the International Committee of the Red Cross Prize for Humanitarian Journalism in 2017, the King of Spain Journalism Prize in 2018, and the Petrobras Prize in 2017 and 2018 (the main award in Brazil).
In 2020, she was awarded the Ordre National du Mérite by the French president Emmanuel Macron. In the same year, she published the best-selling book A máquina do ódio - notas de uma repórter sobre fake news e violência digital (Companhia das Letras), about disinformation campaigns by populist leaders in Brazil, India and the US, intimida...

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