Shuruq As'ad

Shuruq As'ad

With 30 years of journalism experience, Shuruq As'ad is a pioneering journalist and media trainer based between Jerusalem and Ramallah. She made history as one of the first female journalists and TV anchors on Palestine TV (PBC) after its establishment in 1994 following the Oslo Accords. Shuruq has worked as a correspondent for renowned Arab TV Channels such as Al Jazeera, Al Arabiya, LBC, Nile News, and is currently the correspondent for Dubai TV in Palestine and Israel, covering a wide range of hard news stories and features from Palestine. She is also the correspondent for MCD -Radio Montecarlo Addoualiya (France), and the radio representative in Palestine. Her work has covered hard news including demonstrations, intifada updates, Israeli invasions, Palestinian prisoners stories and swaps, Israeli war on Lebanon in 2006, more than five Israeli wars on Gaza, Palestinian-Israeli negotiations, and interviews with political, social and cultural figures.
Currently, Shuruq is a Media ...

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