Suzanne Vanhooymissen

Suzanne Vanhooymissen

Suzanne Vanhooymissen is a documentary film-maker at the Centre for Information Resilience (CIR). She specialises in the visual storytelling of open-source investigations and is heading up a new video production team at CIR producing OSINT-based documentaries and short-form social videos (watch this space!).
Suzanne has more than 12 years of experience working as a video journalist for BBC News. She was a BBC foreign newsgathering producer/reporter/camera person covering Europe and West Africa for several years. For five years she worked as a documentary producer/director at BBC Africa Eye where she produced, edited and directed several highly impactful and award-winning open-source documentaries and was in charge of the digital video and social media output across the programme.
The newly established CIR Open-Source Film Awards are part of Suzanne’s remit, set up to support the creative community of OSINT-focused journalists. She hopes the awards will be an opportunity to highlig...

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